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How is Coca-Cola exploiting the international countries it operates?

In the past, Coca Cola have been accused of dehydrating local communities by exploiting their water resources in order to feed their own plants. Their actions resulted in dried up wells and destroyed local agriculture. It has violated workers rights in numerous countries and only sustains a clean public image through multi-million dollar marketing schemes. 

Coca-Cola is notorious for drying up land in which they operate on. This is due to the immense amounts of water needed to run their daily production. Three liters of water is needed to produce one liter of pop. As a result, numerous reports prove that Coca-Cola is striking a serious blow on farmlands at Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in India. Farmers in these areas find it progressively difficult to irrigate their land and maintain their crops, thus their whole families are at risk of losing their livelihoods. Being an already poor state, Coca-Cola has only worsened the conditions of India
How is the company helping the international countries it operates?  
Across the globe, both domestically and internationally, Coca-Cola promotes:  
  1. Water Stewardship
  • Protect watersheds
  • Provide clean drinking water 
  • Educate and awareness programs that promote water conservation in community and industries.
     2.  Healthy and Active Lifestyles
  • Support access to exercise 
  • Physical activity and nutritional education programs
  • Programs that motivate behavior modification 
  • Programs that encourage lifestyle/behavioral changes
     3. Community Recycling
  • Increase liter reduction efforts
  • Increase community recycling awareness 
  • Support `green` research and innovation
     4. Education
  • Provide scholarships
  • School drop-out prevention 
  • Education programs 
In Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America and the Pacific, Coca-Cola provides student scholarships and numerous educational programs. HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness programs are also provided in Latin America and Africa. In addition, the entire Coca-Cola community of service responds to local disasters by offering emergency relief. This company has a proactive way of handling its corporate social responsibilities.